Saturday, February 21, 2009

Abby Part #1

Hi! Thursday the 18th i made my clay, aka "Play-Doh." I made four different kinds, a really easy and sticky one, an oatmeal one, a really good and regular one and a cinnamon one. Here are the recipies:

Easy and Sticky
2 cups flour
1 cup water
Then knead well...

1cup flour
1 cup water
2 cups oatmeal

Regular and good
1 cup flour
1 cup water
2 teaspoons cream of tartar
1 teaspoon olive oil
1/4 cup salt
This one has to be stirred over medium heat then kneaded until the foodcoloring (if you put it in) is well mixed in... this one was thought by many to be real store bought play-doh. (this one has the picture of a pot... this is what it looks like before it is kneaded... don't be fooled its not burned!)

You can add food coloring or colored drink mix to any of these and it will change that color!

And the last... (this one can't have food coloring...)

1 1/2 cup cinnamon
1 cup applesauce
1/3 cup glue

Next i want to try to find out which one is the most sqeeziest... so what im going to do it take two 6 by 6 boards and put the play-doh between them. Then im going to put a weight on them and let it sit there for one hour and which ever one is the thinnest after the hour is the most squeeziest.

This is my sister, my brother and me kneeding the really really really sticky and simple one... my half of the class knows how sticky it is!

This is a really fun project so far and i sugest whoever reads this make some of these recipies or go on to google or yahoo and type in Playdough recipies!

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