Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dani's Roller Coaster Project: Part 1

I started setting up the roller coaster at around noon today, February 15. I first took the pipe insulation to cut it in half. On one side of the insulation, there was a perforation, making the cutting easier for me. I then started to put up the track. I used a lamp, a chair, and a little rocking horse as supports for the track. Putting it up turned out to be more dangerous than expected. I had to stand on a stool so I could reach the top of the lamp, but then, I almost fell flat on my face. Luckily, the stool tipped forward and backward, and then settled. After that, setting up went just as planned. 
Type this into the URL to see (most of) the finished product!file:///Users/dani/Pictures/iPhoto%20Library/Originals/2009/Roll%2031/DSC04234.JPG

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