Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dani's Roller Coaster Project: Part 2

After taking a little over half an hour to set up the track, the testing began. I was going to change the angle of the lift hill from 45, to 60, and then to 75 degrees. The first few tests with the 45 degree angle did not look good. It kept falling off the track at the loop. The same goes for the 75 degree angle tests. They nearly mirrored the 45 degree tests. However, all but one of the sixty degree tests came out perfect. It just gave me an enthusiastic feeling to see that little marble go through that big loop, not once, but twice. Doing all of this only took me about ten minutes. If I could do the all again, I would (without the almost falling off the stool part, of course)!

Put this picture in the URL to see the 75 degree angle that mimicked the results of the 45 degree angle test.

1 comment:

  1. Dani, I would love to see the pictures, try to insert the media file.
