Sunday, March 8, 2009

the Effects of Acid

This is my second post. The results of my experiment were unchanged after the seventh day. The results of days one through seven are shown in my first post. I can say what I did after the experiment, though. The nails still had to be weighed and the liquids, which the nails were in, still needed their pH taken. When something becomes corroded, its mass decreases. The brass nails that were in the water and vinegar weighed the same. This is because the brass nails were more resistant to corrosion. The iron in the vinegar weighed less than the iron in the water and much less than the iron in the air. This is because iron is not resistant to corrosion at all. The stainless steel had very close results to that of the iron because steel is an alloy made partly of iron, which is not resistant to corrosion. Something that was surprising in this experiment is that the pH of the water and vinegar after the nails had been in them was higher, meaning they were more basic.

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