Monday, March 2, 2009

Christian-How Does Salt Affect the Boiling & Freezing Points of Water?

This post is long over due. Two weekends ago I officially started my project. After finishing the Boiling part of the project the results I had collected were very bazar. I decided to look at my procedure and find any way I could make it more accurate. The first thing I found was to take the temperature of the water before its boiled to make sure they are all the same. Another variable was the heat of the stove because if it was left on it would take less time to boil the water then if it was just turned on and had to warm up. Another variable is what is considered boiling. This variable is very hard to measure but I did my best in being as accurate as I could be. For the freezing part of the experiment I used less water and stirred the salt into the solution until no grains could be seen. In my next post will be the results of the experiment along with a few pictures I took along the way.

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